Tag: forest-loss-2


30 game-changing years of exposing environmental crime

This week, the Environmental Investigation Agency celebrates 30 years. We differ from other NGOs in our strong focus on environmental criminality, dispatching investigators to work undercover with hidden cameras, false-front companies and assumed identities, often in harrowing and potentially dangerous circumstances


EU timber law scorecard highlights failures to act

More than a year after it came into law, the European Commission (EC) has published a scorecard accessing the progress of the 28 member states in implementing the European Union Timber Regulation (EUTR). After many years of lobbying and discussion, the landmark EUTR came into legal effect on March 3, 2013


Palm oil group continues to fail to meet its own standards

The Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil is intended to prevent destruction of High Conservation Value forests and protect forest-dependent communities from exploitation by palm oil firms. A report in the latest edition of Indonesian magazine Tempo shows the body’s complaints process is failing to uphold its standards