Tag: forest-governance


Indo Govt urged to act on timber firms violating the law

In an unprecedented show of political will, four Indonesian Ministers – from Environment and Forestry, Trade, Foreign Affairs and Industry – have issued a joint press release on the importance of the timber legality system and the preparations that need to be concluded before issuance of FLEGT licences can start


Indo civil society’s state-of-play on legal timber plan

Indonesian civil society organisations actively combatting illegal logging, the associated illegal trade and pushing for good forest governance have released a position paper on the status of the implementation of the Indonesian Voluntary Partnership Agreement and other issues related to a FLEGT licence for Indonesia


Hiatus in timber smuggling from Myanmar to China

Monitoring of key crossing points along the Myanmar-China border by EIA reveals a sharp downturn in the volume of illegal timber smuggled between the two countries in the past six months since we released the report Organised Chaos, documenting surging illicit trade in logs via the land border between Myanmar and China


UPDATED: On-the-run timber crime cop surrenders

Corrupt Indonesian policeman Labora Sitorus, jailed in 2014 for 15 years for large-scale timber theft, is once again on the run Sorong Police and Justice & Human Rights Ministry officials went to the former Chief Brigadier’s home for an arranged transfer to a prison in Jakarta but found him gone