Tag: enforcement


UK minister backs call for zero tolerance of tiger trade

Tiger campaigners have met with British Foreign Office Minister Jeremy Browne MP as part of their on going fight to see the trade on tiger parts banned. The meeting at the Foreign & Commonwealth Office took place as the supporter signature count on a petition soared above 31,000 in a little over 30 days


Villagers face off against palm oil firm’s bulldozers

Villagers in Indonesia’s East Kalimantan province are squaring off against palm oil company’s bulldozers in an ongoing land rights dispute which some observers fear may become violent. PT Munte Waniq Jaya Perkasa has moved into the forests around Muara Tae, and has started clearing land for palm oil production


Community struggles to save threatened forests in Indonesia

Ambrosius Ruwindrijarto, President of EIA's Indonesian partner Telapak, describes a local community's struggle to protect its forests. Despite local opposition, Palm Oil company PT Munte Waniq Jaya Perkasa has entered the forest of the Muara Tae village in Indonesia and has started clearing land with bulldozers.


Come and see EIA at London’s WildlifeXpo this week

Our campaigners will attend the upcoming WildlifeXpo, a new wildlife exhibition at London's Alexandra Palace. We are attending as part of the Save Wild Tigers coalition, alongside the Born Free Foundation and WildAid. Our Wildlife campaigner, Alasdair Cameron, will also deliver a presentation alongside our partners.