Tag: enforcement


Palm oil group continues to fail to meet its own standards

The Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil is intended to prevent destruction of High Conservation Value forests and protect forest-dependent communities from exploitation by palm oil firms. A report in the latest edition of Indonesian magazine Tempo shows the body’s complaints process is failing to uphold its standards


EIA joins the call for Hong Kong to ban all ivory sales

On the eve of Hong Kong’s formal destruction of about three tonnes of ivory – 10 per cent of its stockpile, the remaining 27 tonnes of which are due to be destroyed in a further dozen incinerations – EIA joined a coalition of 61 organisations to call on the Government of Hong Kong to ban all ivory sales


Urgent measures for elephants adopted at Botswana summit

Several African elephant range states as well as a number of ivory transit and consumer states at the African Elephant Summit in Gaborone, Botswana unanimously adopt 14 “urgent measures, to halt and reverse the trend in illegal killing of elephants and the illegal ivory trade“