Tag: convention-on-international-trade-in-endangered-species


How a LAF can be the best medicine to help CITES curb illegal timber trade

For those combatting transnational forest crime, the ability to identify and prevent stolen timber from import into domestic markets is a vital tool but for too long there has been no real international consensus as to how to judge whether timber has been legally acquired, leaving enforcement struggling to operate


Facing the evidence – how EIA reports can drive change

It can be a little frustrating (if somewhat predictable) to see our findings dismissed out-of-hand by official mouthpieces for those governments we have cause to identify as either directly promoting harmful, even criminal, environmental policies or turning a blind eye to corruption on their watch


Illegal trade is still pushing the vaquita to extinction

Despite commitments and international attention, work to save the world’s most endangered marine mammal are proving inadequate – without urgent coordinated action from Mexico, the US and China, the extinction of the vaquita seems inevitable as, despite efforts by the Mexican Government, illegal fishing still continues


UK: Stay the course for sake of world forest governance

Last September, the Convention on the International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) listed the entire genus of Dalbergia – more commonly known as rosewoods or redwoods – on its Appendix II, granting the species significantly higher protection through limiting trade