Tag: convention-on-international-trade-in-endangered-species


Pangolins are in dire need of tougher CITES protection

Estimates suggest that at least one million pangolins have been traded in the past decade. Although there is no population data for any pangolin species, the levels of observed trade and the patterns of exploitation strongly suggest that all pangolin species are in decline and that trade is the primary reason


Mapping crime: a resource for World Pangolin Day

The map is intended as a regularly updated resource for use by anybody working in pangolin conservation as well as for general interest and is based on a subset of poaching and seizure incidents from 2000-15, derived from publicly available records, from primarily English and Chinese language sources

Dead whale at factory

If you think the whales have been saved, guess again

Although the commercial hunting of large whales was banned in 1986, Japan, Norway and Iceland continue to exploit loopholes to kill whales and trade whale products while continuing their efforts to undermine and ultimately overturn the ban. Recent years have seen a worrying rise in international trade in whale products.


Grounds for optimism on World Elephant Day?

It’s World Elephant Day and while it’s not possible to ignore the devastation wrought on elephant populations around the world, perhaps it’s more appropriate to focus on the positive. But to put any glimmers of light in context, let’s consider a cornerstone of our philosophy in its fight to save elephants – trade kills