Tag: china


UN Climate Summit – more hot air or a breath of hope?

The purpose of the 2014 Climate Summit was to raise political momentum for a meaningful universal climate agreement in Paris in 2015 and to galvanize transformative action in all countries to reduce emissions and build resilience to the adverse impacts of climate change


China needs new laws to tackle illegal logging

Field studies by EIA in Indonesia, Myanmar, Russia, Laos, Vietnam, Mozambique, Madagascar and China have found China’s demand for timber is driving illegal logging with serious global consequence, irreparably damaging forest ecosystems, pushing down incomes in forest communities and driving corruption and conflict


Armoured against predators – except wildlife criminals

Illegal trade in ivory, rhino horn and tiger products receives a relatively high international profile, far more so than the fast-growing trade in pangolins for their meat and scales – in just a few short years, this quiet creature has become the world’s most trafficked mammal


Working to end New Zealand’s role in the blood ivory trade

New Zealand’s legal domestic ivory trade is booming and authorities have confiscated more than 700 pieces of illegal ivory since the 1989 global ivory trade ban. Will the New Zealand Government commit to an ivory crush event, a public awareness campaign and a ban on the ivory trade altogether?