Tag: china


China’s tiger ‘industry’ remains clearly out of control

China’s experimental trade in the skins of captive-bred tigers has done nothing to relieve pressure on wild tigers – quite the opposite, it has perpetuated the desirability of tiger products and kept the poachers in business acquiring cheaper parts and derivatives from the wild


Mapping crime: a resource for World Pangolin Day

The map is intended as a regularly updated resource for use by anybody working in pangolin conservation as well as for general interest and is based on a subset of poaching and seizure incidents from 2000-15, derived from publicly available records, from primarily English and Chinese language sources


Fake horn is no cure for the epidemic of rhino poaching

For the past three years or so, a handful of scientific entrepreneurs have increasingly championed a possible solution to the current appalling levels of rhino poaching. Specifically, several companies have been advocating the use of biotechnology to artificially create rhino horn and then ‘flood’ the market with it