Tag: chilling-facts


The news we’ve helped to make and break in 2013!

Our focus and methodology is a key part of what makes us so effective and unique; no flashy offices & mega-salaries, just a small team of dedicated, resourceful, tenacious campaigners & front line investigators working to uncover evidence of environmental crime and use our findings to drive meaningful action and change


The Autumn 2013 issue of Investigator is now available

The Autumn 2013 issue of our bi-annual newsletter Investigator, featuring an overview of key campaign activities during the past six months. This issue features: The cool technology revolution that’s easier on the climate and lots more


It’s all heating up in the fight against climate change!

At the quarterly meeting of EU Climate and Environment Ministers in Brussels, climate champion Denmark rallied support from a further five EU Member States to renounce the use of HFC-23 carbon offsets towards national emissions targets