Tag: asia

Stockpile of logs, Myanmar

EIA rebuttal to biased and incorrect allegations in Myanmar media re State of Corruption report

On 1 July 2019, Eleven Media Group published an article entitled “EIA Exposed – the campaign against Myanmar’s teak trade accused of making false allegations against innocent timber trader”. Although the article is labelled as an interview, it reads more like a biased opinion piece and is riddled with inaccuracies and falsehoods. In this letter, […]


UK MPs call on governments worldwide for urgent action to end killing of big cats

Today in Westminster, MPs have called for urgent action to end the killing of tigers and other big cats by halting trade in their parts and products. At an event co-hosted by the All-Party Parliamentary China Group and the Indo-British All-Party Parliamentary Group, along with our Wildlife campaigners, MPs expressed serious concern over the existential […]