Tag: africa


Tigers threatened by reckless profiteering in lion bones

The world’s remaining tigers are living under severe threat of extinction, having lost 93 per cent of their historical range and suffered a population crash of 95 per cent during the past century. The major threat to their continued existence is poaching to meet the high demand in Asia for their parts and derivatives

  • Wildlife:

The Spring 2017 issue of Investigator is now available!

The Spring 2017 issue of our bi-annual newsletter Investigator, featuring an overview of key campaign activities during the past six months. This issue features, an historic global deal is reached to cut super-pollutant HFC gases and lots more

  • Climate:
  • Forests:
  • Ocean:
  • Wildlife:

Updated map shows no let-up in illegal pangolin trade

Saturday, February 18 is World Pangolin Day and EIA has updated its interactive map of known pangolin seizures to both mark the occasion and as a reminder of the many threats this unique creature faces

  • Wildlife:

Make UK Government keep its promise for elephants

Elephants are facing a crisis – more elephants are being killed each year than are being born. Ivory trade is the biggest threat to elephants, yet the UK Government allows “legal” trade in ivory

  • Wildlife: