Tag: africa

Thumbnail for film about the ivory enforcement online training tool

Tackling the illegal ivory trade: an online training tool for enforcement

We not only expose environmental crime and abuse, we also work with governments to try to raise awareness and improve capacity. For the past two-and-a-half years, we have been capturing best-practice enforcement techniques used to combat the illegal ivory trade in more than 12 countries

  • Wildlife:

The Autumn 2017 issue of Investigator is now available!

The Autumn 2017 issue of our bi-annual newsletter Investigator, featuring an overview of key campaign activities during the past six months. This issue feature Vietnam caught stealing timber from neighbouring Cambodia and lots more

  • Climate:
  • Forests:
  • Ocean:
  • Wildlife:

Illegal trade map for World Rhino Day reveals new trends in trafficking

An updated interactive map of the global illegal trade in rhino horn depicts seizures and thefts of rhino horn as well as convictions relating to rhino horn trade worldwide from 2006 to September 2017, offering insights into a devastating criminal trade that continues to fuel the large-scale slaughter of rhinos

  • Wildlife:

The world, and EIA, has lost a friend and ally

We were shocked and saddened to receive the tragic news that on Wednesday, August 16, 2017 Wayne Lotter, one of the conservation world’s shining lights, was brutally murdered in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. His untimely death is a massive blow to wildlife conservation and the larger community.