Climate Reports

New Trends in ODS Smuggling

Far from going away, the threat of black market ODS looms greater than ever and this briefing brings together analysis of trade and emissions data, recent reported seizures and a look at the global refrigerant and feedstock market to highlight some key areas of concern, needing to be addressed by the Montreal Protocol

System Failure

Disposing of e-waste is fast becoming big business and our 18-month undercover operation, the most thorough to date into the illegal underbelly of the trade, shows that the chance to make a quick profit at the expense of the developing world is too tempting for some to resist

ODS Tracking

This report presents a feasibility study for developing systems for monitoring transboundary movements of controlled ozone-depleting substances (ODS) between the Parties to the Montreal Protocol. it includes a series of in-depth interviews with government officials and industry personnel