New website for quick searching & easier access on the move

If you’re a regular visitor to EIA’s website, you’ll have noticed a few major changes in recent days. As part of last year’s 30th anniversary celebrations, we felt the time was right for a fresh look and a bit of a spring clean

EIA website through the years

If you’re a regular visitor to EIA’s website, you’ll have noticed a few major changes in recent days.

As part of last year’s 30th anniversary celebrations, we felt the time was right for a fresh look and a bit of a spring clean.

The resulting revamp was soft-launched last week and further changes have been rolled out since. So, what’s new and different?

The most obvious change for most visitors will be the new look of the homepage, which has been redesigned to incorporate a new transitioning banner highlighting the key areas of our work; we’ve also de-cluttered and expanded the layout to showcase a lot more recent news and film content.

mobile device displayAnd if you visit us via a regular computer, you might not even be aware of the most significant change – we’ve restructured the entire site to incorporate responsive design technology, allowing for optimum display when viewing it on mobile devices such as tablets and iphones.

When we asked supporters earlier last year for suggestions as to how the site should be improved, one of the most frequent comments was that some found it difficult to navigate to our specific campaign activities. We’ve addressed that by reorganising the Our Work page into simple click-through links to the three core areas of our work – Environmental Crime & Governance, Ecosystems & Biodiversity and Climate.

Within these new areas, you can easily navigate on to our specific campaign areas such as Oceans (renamed from ‘Cetaceans’ to reflect its broader activities beyond whales, dolphins and porpoises, such as marine debris), Forests, Elephants and Tigers & Other Asian Big Cats.

Elsewhere, our revamped Media & Resources page now has more straightforward links to our latest News, Blogs and Press Releases, all of which now offer better search functionality to allow visitors to easily find specific campaign information of interest.

Our authoritative Reports library has been much improved, and here you can now find all of our reports in descending chronological order to either read online or download, and easily searchable by campaign.

The Donate page has also been restructured and improved, expanding on the regular options of regular or one-off donations to give additional options such as via PayPal, SMS and JustGiving.

Coming up in the future, and in the interests of transparency, we anticipate new pages detailing our operational structure, such as information about the Environmental Investigation Agency Trust Ltd and our financial accounts.

My thanks to all supporters who sent us comments and ideas, to colleagues who’ve been endlessly patient as I streamlined their campaign-specific content and, last but by no means least, to Paul Burgess of Delarge for rebuilding the site and coming up with some elegant solutions to my occasionally vague aspirational requests.

In closing, and as ever, there’s a minor caveat to all of this – please bear with us while we hunt out and corner the occasion gremlin!