Get cosy this winter without overheating the planet!

IT’S hard to believe that it’s here already, that time when even the most stoic hold-outs must admit to themselves that summer’s gone for another year, the nights are drawing in … and the temperature’s inexorably heading south.


(c) Ecotricity

But finally caving in to reality and turning on the heating for the first time in months doesn’t have to feel like a defeat, not when your choice of energy provider can help play a small but nonetheless crucial role in the fight against climate change.

When Ecotricity offered green electricity in 1996, it became the world’s first company to do so, triggering the green energy-generation industry which has subsequently sprung up all around the world.

Ecotricity and EIA first became partners several years ago, with each new customer signing on for Ecotricity through us resulting in a donation towards our work to combat climate change as well as our front line work to expose environmental crime and exploitation.

That fact is – extreme denialists notwithstanding – that climate change is a very real and pressing problem which the entire world must face and tackle, and one of the most meaningful ways to achieve this is to work together to end our collective dependence on harmful fossil fuels (coal, gas, oil) and instead implement strategies that focus on safe, renewable and sustainable energy, transport and food production.

There’s no one-shot, silver bullet solution with which to fight the problem but there are, fortunately, a lot of small ways everybody can play an important part.

Switching your energy provider to Ecotricity is one of them, giving you the peace of mind that comes from knowing the source of your energy isn’t adding to the planet’s problems – and with the added bonus that your choice is helping EIA to carry on its vital work.

Now there’s something to warm your heart as the cold winter sets in!


• If you would like to switch your energy supplier to Ecotricity, EIA will receive up to £60. Call free on 0800 302 302 (quoting EIA1) or visit