Tag: climate


Climate-wrecking refrigerants are everywhere at CoP29, cooling the venue while warming the planet

As we approach the end of another year defined by record-breaking global temperatures and deadly natural disasters, turbo-charged by the escalating climate crisis, some 50,000 people have descended on Baku in Azerbaijan for the 29th annual UN Climate Change Conference (CoP29). For the third year in a row, EIA has looked into the systems being […]


N₂O: No laughing matter

Following the launch of a deeply concerning new assessment on the alarming increase in emissions from the ‘forgotten greenhouse gas’ - what should be done to avert a global catastrophe?


It’s UK Heat Pump Week – and EIA finds natural refrigerant models are now readily available!

It is widely acknowledged that the rapid roll-out of heat pumps is a key part of the UK’s net zero strategy, with a typical heat pump reducing emissions by up to 66-80 per cent compared to heating options reliant on fossil fuels. However, not all heat pumps are born equal. Some contain climate-polluting hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), […]


World Ozone Day 2024 — exploring the link between ozone protection and climate action

The protection and ongoing recovery of the ozone layer, secured through action under the Montreal Protocol, is perhaps the greatest example we have of the global community coming together to address a critical global environmental challenge. World Ozone Day (16 September) is an opportunity to celebrate this success, but also to remind ourselves that Earth’s […]