Climate Week: Fighting climate crime with Customs – a letter from Kiev
I’m in Kiev, where an international meeting is looking into the threat posed by the growing criminal trade in climate-wrecking refrigerant gases
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I’m in Kiev, where an international meeting is looking into the threat posed by the growing criminal trade in climate-wrecking refrigerant gases
The Environmental Investigation Agency was born out of a ground-breaking whaling investigation and, almost three-and-a-half decades later, our Ocean work remains a central pillar of what we do
Today is the UN International Day of Forests and we’d like to share with you a success story, a success for EIA’s investigators in the forests of Papua but especially, in the long run, a huge win for an indigenous people in gaining control of their ancestral lands
Today is UN World Wildlife Day and this year the event is themed around the concept of ‘Listen to the young voices’ In this spirit, we’re handing today’s blog over to the thoughts of some of EIA’s younger family and friends
As more than 160 world leaders gather today in New York for the agreement’s signing ceremony, climate action has perhaps never been higher on the global governance agenda – but there’s more to be said and done to avert billions of tonnes of greenhouse gases from damaging our precious climate
Corporations, particularly multinationals operating in the marine environment, excel at hiding the extent of their impacts – and few play the game of deception and disguise better than the offshore oil and gas exploration industry