New data exposes the potentially catastrophic threat from unchecked, invisible methane emissions
New evidence from Romania has thrown a spotlight on an unseen climate disaster – methane emissions
- Areas of work:
New evidence from Romania has thrown a spotlight on an unseen climate disaster – methane emissions
Scientists have discovered higher-than-expected levels of ozone-destroying chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) gases in the atmosphere – strongly suggesting illegal manufacture, use and emissions
Although the world is fast approaching potentially irreversible climate change tipping points, swift action to tackle refrigerant greenhouse gases could go a long way to help
For the first time, China has prosecuted a company for the illegal use of a dangerous ozone-depleting gas in its products
Rogue emissions of CFC-11 in China could still significantly delay recovery of the Earth’s ozone layer
China has identified illegal use and production of CFC-11 in a series of actions undertaken in response to our report Blowing It, which revealed companies making polyurethane foams in China continue to use the banned ozone-depleting substance. We want to see China undertake analysis of the drivers of illegal CFC-use