Between rescue and slaughter – a tale of two whales and the future conservation role of the International Whaling Commission
Successful and highly significant rescue of an endangered Arabian Sea humpback whale entangled in fishing gear
Successful and highly significant rescue of an endangered Arabian Sea humpback whale entangled in fishing gear
Since we started collecting data on plastics in the UK supermarket sector, we have seen awareness of the scale of the plastic pollution crisis rise exponentially
Despite the world slowly waking up to the plastic pollution crisis in our oceans and food chains, if we keep on as we are then we’re on course to actually quadruple plastic production by 2050
Plastic pollution has now been found in Antarctic sea ice, which has far-reaching consequences for the health of the planet and underlines the need for a global treaty the tackle it
It’s time to put on our boots, trek to the nearest beach and dig around for plastic pellets in the fight against plastic pollution
There is significant work to be done to collect data on ghost gear in Africa and raise the profile of the problem