EIA calls on Iceland’s Prime Minister to halt the resumption of whale slaughter this summer
EIA has urged the Prime Minister of Iceland to intervene and prevent the resumption of commercial whaling in the country after a three-year hiatus
EIA has urged the Prime Minister of Iceland to intervene and prevent the resumption of commercial whaling in the country after a three-year hiatus
The first minke whale in Japan’s controversial new commercial whale hunt has been landed at Kushiro port in northern Japan
Conservation groups and celebrities collectively call for an ‘international whaling intervention’ to be staged at the G20 summit in Osaka as summit host Japan prepares to launch a renewed commercial whaling programme
Japan’s plan to hunt whales within its own economic waters might lead to more whale meat exports from Iceland and Norway
New whaling quotas for the next five years announced by the Government of Iceland are a big step in the wrong direction..