What’s your verdict? The antiques trade appeals its failed bid to quash UK Ivory Act
A small group of antiques dealers will have another day in court 0n 24 February in a second bid to shoot down the UK Ivory Act
A small group of antiques dealers will have another day in court 0n 24 February in a second bid to shoot down the UK Ivory Act
Despite growing awareness of the climate emergency and mass demonstrations around the world demanding urgent action, two new reports reveal we’re collectively pumping out more dangerous gas emissions than ever. The reports from the United Nations Environmental Programme and the World Meteorological Organisation (WMO) show that action on the streets has yet to translate into […]
At the fourth Illegal Wildlife Trade Conference in London, we were disappointed by the absence of a stronger call for the closure of legal domestic markets for parts and products of elephants, big cats, pangolins and other species threatened by trade
The fourth international Conference on Illegal Wildlife Trade in London seeks to strengthen international partnerships across borders and beyond governments, with a focus on tackling illegal wildlife trade as a serious organised crime, building coalitions and closing markets
The follow-up to the London and Kasane conferences on illegal trade in wildlife opens in Hanoi, Vietnam. The landmark London Conference brought together heads and representatives of governments to discuss the rise in the illicit trade in wildlife and its negative social, environmental and economic impacts
On Sunday, April 26 it’s likely that most of us will be enjoying a leisurely morning, but not Franziska Dieterle. Franziska will instead be tackling the London Marathon for EIA, raising vital funds for our fight against environmental crime