Tag: kenya


Illegal trade map for World Rhino Day reveals new trends in trafficking

An updated interactive map of the global illegal trade in rhino horn depicts seizures and thefts of rhino horn as well as convictions relating to rhino horn trade worldwide from 2006 to September 2017, offering insights into a devastating criminal trade that continues to fuel the large-scale slaughter of rhinos


Botswana’s historic break from pro-ivory trade bloc

Botswana made a clear statement against ivory trade at the 17th Conference of the Parties to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species when it announced it would voluntarily relinquish Appendix II status for its own elephants to support up-listing all African elephants to the much tougher Appendix I


Good day for rosewoods as species get more protection

183 countries at the CITES 17th Conference of the Parties agreed to boost protection for dalbergia rosewoods. The Committee session introduced three separate Dalbergia proposals, all met with overwhelming support by the Parties which demonstrated a greater awareness of the threats posed by illegal logging and trade


CITES ivory trade system is flawed and drives poaching

National Geographic has published an investigative report on the illegal ivory trade, Blood Ivory, which highlights fundamental flaws in the CITES ivory-trading system. Ivory trading drives poaching and ivory trafficking and we urge the CITES Parties to learn from this mistake and invest in adequate enforcement.


Illegal ivory trade issue is aired in the House of Lords

Following the declaration of 2011 as the worst year for elephants since the international trade in ivory was banned in 1989, the issue was raised in the UK’s House of Lords when Lord St John of Bletso asked the Government what measures it would support to tackle the increase in elephant poaching and illegal ivory trade