Tag: illegal-ods


Unexpected CFC-11 Emissions – Briefing

In the wake of startling evidence of unexplained emissions of the ozone-destroying chemical CFC-11 in the atmosphere, this report reveals compelling evidence that illegal production and use of CFC-11 in China is the cause

Front cover of our report entitled Tip of the Iceberg: Implications of Illegal CFC Production and Use

Tip of the Iceberg: Implications of Illegal CFC Production and Use

Update on China’s illegal CFC-11 emissions crisis, includes independent laboratory tests of polyurethane foam samples, provided by Chinese enterprises investigated by EIA, confirming the presence of CFC-11 as a blowing agent. CFC-11 is a potent ozone depleting substance that has been banned for almost a decade


ODS Tracking

This report presents a feasibility study for developing systems for monitoring transboundary movements of controlled ozone-depleting substances (ODS) between the Parties to the Montreal Protocol. it includes a series of in-depth interviews with government officials and industry personnel