Tag: illegal-logging


Hiatus in timber smuggling from Myanmar to China

Monitoring of key crossing points along the Myanmar-China border by EIA reveals a sharp downturn in the volume of illegal timber smuggled between the two countries in the past six months since we released the report Organised Chaos, documenting surging illicit trade in logs via the land border between Myanmar and China


UPDATED: On-the-run timber crime cop surrenders

Corrupt Indonesian policeman Labora Sitorus, jailed in 2014 for 15 years for large-scale timber theft, is once again on the run Sorong Police and Justice & Human Rights Ministry officials went to the former Chief Brigadier’s home for an arranged transfer to a prison in Jakarta but found him gone


Anti-corruption tools essential to fight wildlife & forest crime

On a platform with senior UN officials, Campaigns Director Julian Newman said corruption was an intrinsic part of environment crime requiring deployment of a full array of legal instruments designed to tackle corruption and money-laundering against the criminal syndicates pillaging our natural world for profit


Pushing for compliance – update on the EU Timber Regulation

More than two years have passed since the European Union Timber Regulation (EUTR) came into legal force. Designed to curb the availability of illegal timber on the European market, the EUTR acknowledges Europe’s role in stimulating illegal logging.


Indonesia’s Govt pushes back on transparency, invites corruption

The Government of Indonesia has pushed back at attempts by forest monitors to gain access to basic information on natural resource allocation in a move that threatens to “unlock greater potential for corruption”. The information is essential to ensure that forestry operations are legal