Tag: hcfcs


Maximizing Climate Benefits from Ozone Protection

A report examining three options to be considered by a Montreal Protocol meeting, each of which would produce greater emission reductions than those resulting from the first commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol or any near-term options being considered in the climate talks


Facing the F-Gas Challenge: The Need for a Global Phase-Out of HFCs

A report highlighting the importance of controlling the impact of man-made fluorinated gases on the climate. We argue there is an enormous opportunity here – but also a risk that substitute technologies will focus on hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) which, could have an equally negative impact on climate change

Front cover of our report entitled Turning Up the Heat: Linkages between ozone layer depletion and climate change: The urgent case of HCFCs and HFCs

Turning Up the Heat

A report on the linkages between ozone layer depletion and climate change, and the urgent need to address HCFCs and HFCs These two issues have generally been treated as separate problems with separate solutions, resulting in outdated and uncoordinated policy responses