Tag: european-union


Fields of Plastics: The growing problem of agriplastics

A report on the scale and use of plastics in global agriculture and their impacts on the environment in terms of pollution. Plastic coverage use is mainly concentrated in East Asia (almost 80 per cent), while the Mediterranean basin contains about 15 per cent of the world’s covered area


In Our Palms

To meet its pledge to halt deforestation, the European Union needs to act to reduce the deforestation footprint of the commodities it imports, including palm oil. Existing methods to alleviate the impacts of palm oil, have failed to stop deforestation sufficiently to qualify as ‘sustainability’


A Tale of Two Laws

The US Lacey Act and The European Union Timber Regulation (EUTR). In this briefing, we explore the previously unrealised fact that both laws can work together, with the Lacey Act prohibiting timber sold in violation of the EUTR, as a ’foreign law‘


Chilling Facts VII

The seventh Chilling Facts report, 22 retailers submitted data covering the 2015 calendar year from supermarkets across 37 countries. Our findings show that the uptake of hydrofluorocarbon-free technology is well under way across the EU, with CO2 transcritical systems spreading eastward and southward throughout Europe


Repeat Offender: Vietnam’s persistent trade in illegal timber

Corrupt Government officials and military personnel in Vietnam are complicit in smuggling huge quantities of illegal timber from Cambodia, pocketing millions of dollars in bribes from smugglers for their part in allowing hundreds of thousands of cubic metres of logs stolen from Cambodia’s National Parks