Tag: environmental-crime


Geraldine earns her EIA stripes at Tiger Time night

I was asked to help with the preparation work for the Tiger Time event A World Without Tigers?, at the Royal Geographical Society on October 7. The David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation had invited EIA to talk at the event in order to raise awareness of the precarious plight of wild tigers

A live elephant with a dead elephant

The senseless and horrific death of Hope

People sometimes ask me how I can do my job. Actually, I don’t know how the folk at STE do theirs. EIA’s work is in many ways a one removed from the grim reality of poaching because we are focusing on the trade; so it’s rare for us to be present at the immediate aftermath of a poaching incident.

US president

Iceland not off the hook over fin whaling

Iceland has dodged the bullet of US trade sanctions over its belligerent hunting of endangered fin whales. However it’s not unreasonable to expect diplomatic attention will be focused on its whaling activities in the coming months. Iceland is the only country to actually expand commercial whaling in recent years