Tag: environmental-crime



More than a year after being exposed as major players in the smuggling of timber from Laos, this report reveals the Vietnamese timber industry, the military and well-connected Lao actors are still profiting from the flow of logs into Vietnam


Testing the Law

Systemic law enforcement failings threaten to make a mockery of Indonesia’s pledge to reduce deforestation and carbon emissions by enabling plantation companies to destroy carbon-rich peatlands with impunity


Clear-Cut Exploitation

An Indonesian oil palm plantation in which Norway has a financial stake paid Papuan tribal landowners as little as $0.65 per hectare for their forestland. Clear-Cut Exploitation exposes woefully low payments to marginalised Moi tribe clans for land and timber


Blood Ivory: Exposing the myth of a regulated market

Legal ivory auctions must be stopped and China stripped of its Approved Buyer status if the rising tide of elephant poaching is to be curbed. We call on governments that supported the sale of stockpiled ivory to accept responsibility and take steps to reverse the harm it has done to global elephant populations