Tag: enforcement


Renegade Whaling

This report exposes how Iceland is defying international treaties to hunt endangered fin whales in a bid to create a new consumer market in Japan. it identifies wealthy Icelandic businessman Kristján Loftsson and his firm Hvalur hf as the driving force behind the bloody trade


Caught REDD Handed

On the day Indonesia’s landmark moratorium on forest conversion was signed and celebrated in Jakarta, it was being actively broken in a crime-riddled Pilot Province.This report by us and Indonesian partner Telapak documents peat forest in Central Kalimantan’s moratorium zone being illegally razed by a palm oil firm.


Enforcement Not Extinction

Participants in the International Tiger Forum are cautioned that they must act decisively now or face a future in which the wild tiger is extinct. We see it as an opportunity to commit to an unprecedented global pledge to save wild tigers, now numbering as few 3,200


A Deadly Game Of Cat And Mouse

In this report, we urge the Government of China to establish a specialised multi-agency enforcement unit with the skills and resources to proactively investigate criminal networks trafficking and selling Asian big cat parts and derivatives.