Tag: enforcement

Front cover of our Briefing Document for CITES CoP14

Upholding The Law: The Challenge of Effective Enforcement

A briefing calling upon Parties to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) to acknowledge that environmental crime, including wildlife crime, is a form of serious transnational organised crime and to adopt appropriately stringent measures to tackle it effectively


Illegal and Unsustainable Trade in Ramin

Ramin is a tropical hardwood native to the fragile peat swamp forests of Indonesia and Malaysia. But as the most valuable timber species in these countries, the species has been logged out in most of its range


Skinning The Cat

The illegal trade in poached skins between India, Nepal and China is the most significant immediate threat to the continued existence of the tiger in the wild. Although the importance of the problem has been recognised and information is readily available, the lucrative illegal trade continues.


Behind The Veneer

A report into how Indonesia’s last rainforests are being felled for flooring. Merbau, a highly valuable hardwood, is being ruthlessly targeted by illegal logging syndicates in Indonesian Papua to supply the booming demand for tropical hardwood flooring