Boss of one of the world’s biggest traditional Chinese medicine brands fired for corruption
The head of a one of the world’s biggest traditional Chinese medicine brands has been fired for corruption and kicked out of China’s ruling Communist Party
The head of a one of the world’s biggest traditional Chinese medicine brands has been fired for corruption and kicked out of China’s ruling Communist Party
The Government of Indonesia has been urged renew its three-year ban on converting its Forest Estate to new palm oil plantations amid mounting fears that it may abandon it
Myanmar’s violent military junta is poised to hold massive auctions of illicit timber to replenish its coffers
Royal Boogaerdt Timber broke the due diligence requirements of the EU Timber Regulation (EUTR) when it imported Myanmar teak, the Council of State in the Netherlands has confirmed.
The potential climate impact of illegal HFC refrigerant trade into Europe could amount to the greenhouse gas emissions of more than 6.5 million cars being driven for a year
As the World Heritage Committee prepares to convene from Friday, EIA calls for it to strip the internationally famous Selous Game Reserve in Tanzania of its status as a World Heritage Site due to the irreversible damage done by construction of a controversial dam