Tag: cop17


Future ivory trade is off the CITES table – and about time!

CITES has voted not to adopt a decision-making mechanism (DMM) for future trade in ivory, what does this mean for elephants? EIA always opposed the development of the DMM, we believe any trade in ivory poses a serious threat to elephants, the main objective of the DMM was to facilitate international legal ivory trade


Durban blog: Hope, alarm and the value of sandbags

Our Global Environment Campaigner, Natasha Hurley, attends the 17th International Conference on Climate Change (COP17) in Durban, South Africa and reflects on what happened and the need for countries to overcome political divisiveness to meet the challenges of climate change including the worldwide phase-out of HFCs


Durban blog: Air-con helps focus on issue of F-gases

Our Global Environment Campaigner, Natasha Hurley, writes from the CoP17 meeting in Durban, South Africa where she reflects on the need to phase out hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), greenhouse gases used in air conditioning and refrigeration, despite these efforts being blocked by India, China and the chemical industry


Durban blog: Higher stakes in play at climate conference

Our Global Environment Campaigner, Natasha Hurley, attends the 17th International Conference on Climate Change (COP17) in Durban, South Africa and notes that with the need for countries to get into specifics on climate change mitigation, upcoming political negotiations in the high level segment will be difficult