Tag: convention-on-international-trade-in-endangered-species


Down to the bone: China’s alarming trade in leopard bones

Leopards are Asia's most traded big cat, with more than 4,900 seized from illegal trade in Asia since 2000, new evidence indicates the Government of China is issuing permits to trade and use their bones. The trade in leopard bones is primarily to meet demand from Chinese consumers; used in similar ways to tiger bone


Cultivating Demand – The Growing Threat of Tiger Farms

Asia’s big cats continue to be threatened by a growing, unchallenged demand for their body parts. There are fewer than 4,000 wild tigers and anywhere between 3,920-6,390 snow leopards, while leopards remain one of the most traded of Asia’s big cats. Since 2000, the parts of over 1,700 tigers have been seized

Front cover of our report entitled The Lion's Share: South Africa's trade exacerbates demand for tiger parts and derivatives

The Lion’s Share

The major threat to the world’s remaining wild tigers is poaching to meet the high demand in Asia for their parts and derivatives. This demand is exacerbated by the legal trade in lion bone so long as they were sourced from captive-breeding facilities in South Africa

Chinese language cover for the Shuidong Connection report


全面的调查揭露源自中国南部一个无名小镇的犯罪集团如何得以主导偷猎非洲象获得的非法象牙的走私。 水东镇是一群象牙贩运组织的发源地,这些组织已扩展至非洲东部和西部,包括坦桑尼亚和莫桑比克等大象偷猎热点。