Tag: canada


Lacey Act has teeth: US gets serious about illegal logging

Gibson Guitars has finally faced the music. After nearly a year of crying fou, seeking audience with every possible media outlet and hiring a DC lobbying firm to change the law under which it was being investigated, Gibson Guitars has acknowledged that it did, in fact, import illegal wood in violation of the Lacey Act


Ozone meeting shows a trend in the right direction

I spent last week in Canada attending one of the regular meetings of the Montreal Protocol’s Multilateral Fund (MLF), the body established to help developing countries meet their commitments under the global ozone treaty


Durban blog: Higher stakes in play at climate conference

Our Global Environment Campaigner, Natasha Hurley, attends the 17th International Conference on Climate Change (COP17) in Durban, South Africa and notes that with the need for countries to get into specifics on climate change mitigation, upcoming political negotiations in the high level segment will be difficult