Tag: asia


Surjani Alloy: remembering one of the brightest and best

EIA has received the sad news that Surjani Alloy, the leader of the Aliansi Masyarakat Adat Nusantara (AMAN, an independent organisation comprising indigenous communities from various parts of the Indonesia archipelago), in West Kalimantan, died suddenly on Saturday.


Illegal ivory trade issue is aired in the House of Lords

Following the declaration of 2011 as the worst year for elephants since the international trade in ivory was banned in 1989, the issue was raised in the UK’s House of Lords when Lord St John of Bletso asked the Government what measures it would support to tackle the increase in elephant poaching and illegal ivory trade


EIA is at the International Whaling Commission

Many issues are discussed, including the Conservation Commission, the IWC’s budget, Aboriginal Subsistence Whaling quotas and welfare issues. Most productive was the Conservation Committee, with its packed agenda demonstrating the evolution of the IWC from a ‘whalers’ club’ to an effective, modern conservation body