Tag: asia

Chinese language cover for the Hidden in Plain Sight report

隐藏在明处: 中国的秘密老虎贸易



Hidden in Plain Sight: China’s Clandestine Tiger Trade

Despite signing up to global initiatives seeking to protect wild tigers, doubling their number by 2022, departments in China have set about stimulating domestic markets for tiger skins and body parts. As few as 3,500 tigers survive in the wild, yet more than 5,000 captive-bred tigers exist in Chinese ‘farms’ and ‘zoos’


Appetite for Destruction: China’s Trade in Illegal Timber

China the world’s second biggest economy, is effectively standing on the sidelines as its growth devastates forests in a trade worth billions of dollars a year. This report reveals that China is now the single largest international consumer of illegal timber, importing wood stolen by organised criminal syndicates



More than a year after being exposed as major players in the smuggling of timber from Laos, this report reveals the Vietnamese timber industry, the military and well-connected Lao actors are still profiting from the flow of logs into Vietnam