Tag: africa


Airlines, Cecil the lion & EIA’s wild-caught bird campaign

It is heart-warming so many people were enraged by the cruel death of Cecil the lion, killed by an American hunter in Zimbabwe, but, as with all social media anger, it doesn’t last very long. Quick wins are great but rare and campaigns should be built on a fact-based footing from which long-lasting solutions are sought.


Grounds for optimism on World Elephant Day?

It’s World Elephant Day and while it’s not possible to ignore the devastation wrought on elephant populations around the world, perhaps it’s more appropriate to focus on the positive. But to put any glimmers of light in context, let’s consider a cornerstone of our philosophy in its fight to save elephants – trade kills


HFCs: The greenhouse gas the world is finally talking about

Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) are everywhere: in our cars, refrigerators, air-conditioners and wall insulation. They are also increasingly in our atmosphere, where they are important contributors to climate change. Yet you don’t hear HFCs – aka fluorinated- or F-gases – talked about all that much. Until now, that is


Chobe elephants a powerful reminder of what we fight for

We visited Kasane, Botswana to attend the international Conference on Illegal Wildlife Trade and had a chance to capture some beautiful images of wild elephants in Chobe National Park. When dealing with environmental criminality on a regular basis, images like these are an important reminder of what we're fighting for.


On World Pangolin Day spread word of unique creature’s plight

February 21 is World Pangolin Day and to mark the occasion we’re pleased to publish this guest blog from Darren Pietersen, chairman of the African Pangolin Working Group, a not-for-profit organisation based in Africa which undertakes research and conservation activities on pangolins in various African countries