
Investigator magazine: The big CITES meeting in Panama – an overall win for wildlife

Inside, you can read about the wins for wildlife we helped to secure at the big CITES CoP19 meeting in Panama as well as news of all our major activities. EIA has seen rapid growth in the past few years and, recognising the need to ensure we remain effective, at the beginning of 2022 we engaged specialised external support to help us initiate a change and transition programme. Examining our strategy, culture and structure, as well as strengthening leadership and teamworking, we have embarked on an ambitious consultative process across the organisation which will continue through and beyond 2023.

From Paper to Practice: Translating environmental principles into operational measures in the global plastics treaty

This briefing looks at the potential application of three outlined principles. It provides recommendations for how they could be taken beyond simply references in preambular paragraphs and effectively guide both the process of developing a treaty and the enduring implementation and compliance of an instrument truly capable of ending plastic pollution.