Ocean reports

Commercial whaling – Unsustainable, inhumane, unnecessary

Japan, Norway and Iceland continue commercial whaling, which flies in the face of international environmental agreements while serving no economic or nutritional purpose. It is time for commercial whaling to end and for the IWC to reaffirm the continuation of the moratorium and promote the conservation of all whales

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Plight of the Ocean Sentinels

A briefing to the 66th Meeting of the International Whaling Commission (IWC) from October 24-28, 2016 in Slovenia. This report explores some of the major environmental threats facing cetaceans (whales, dolphins and porpoises), from plastic, chemical and noise pollution to climate change, bycatch and ship strikes

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Dangerous Diet: Japan fails in its duty of care over toxic whale and dolphin meat

A report revealed new evidence that the Government of Japan continues to recklessly expose its citizens to heavily polluted whale and dolphin products. Dangerous Diet outlines the significant risks to human health posed by eating and the frequent mislabelling of cetacean (whale, dolphin and porpoise) products

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Convenience Kills

A briefing on how SPAR Norway is a major enabler and supporter of Norway’s struggling whaling industry. Meat products from the hunts of protected minke whales killed in Norwegian waters are sold in SPAR Norway stores as well as in other retail outlets also owned by parent company NorgesGruppen

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