EIA podcast – with the clock ticking, can we agree a Global Plastics Treaty by the end of 2024?
After a strong opening to UN talks in pursuit of a Global Plastics Treaty, recent rounds of negotiation have been hindered by the efforts of fossil fuel industry lobbyists as well as by some countries keen to water it down and rein in its ambition.
With the clock ticking, can we agree a Global Plastics Treaty by the end of 2024?
Welcome back to the EIA What on Earth? podcast.
In this episode, EIA Ocean Campaign Leader Christina Dixon and Ocean Campaigner Jacob Kean-Hammerson join Senior Press & Communications Officer Paul Newman to talk about progress to date and what to expect when the fourth session of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee – INC-4 for short – opens in Canada later this month.
Christina Dixon
Jacob Kean-Hammerson
Paul Newman