Climate reports

IEC AC Standards Proposal

Timely updates to outdated safety standards and building codes are essential to enable a safe transition from climate-warming hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) to climate-friendly refrigerants. With global stock of household air-conditioners (ACs) expected to triple by 2050, continued use of HFCs in ACs is fueling the climate crisis.

Energy efficiency in HFC-free supermarket refrigeration

The global phase-down of hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), starting in January 2019 under the Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol, could avoid 0.5°C of warming by 2100. By simultaneously improving the energy efficiency of cooling systems, this climate benefit could potentially be doubled

Chilling Facts VII

The seventh Chilling Facts report, 22 retailers submitted data covering the 2015 calendar year from supermarkets across 37 countries. Our findings show that the uptake of hydrofluorocarbon-free technology is well under way across the EU, with CO2 transcritical systems spreading eastward and southward throughout Europe

Chilling Facts VI

In this report, we reveal that the take-up of climate-friendly refrigeration by supermarket chains is spreading faster and more widely than ever. We are concerned that major retailers are missing an easy climate win and the chance to significantly lower their energy bills, by not fitting doors on refrigeration units