Key features of the Asian Big Cat (ABC) skin and bone trade in China in 2005-2011
A briefing on the two parallel markets for Asian Big Cat products, one from captive-bred animals and one from wild animals
A briefing on the two parallel markets for Asian Big Cat products, one from captive-bred animals and one from wild animals
Background document on HFCs in advance of the European Commission’s Review of the F-Gas Regulation.The most cost-effective way to reduce the impact of F-gases on the global climate is a rapid phase-out of production and use of HFCs across all sectors
Illegal trade in ozone depleting substances (ODS) arose as an unintended consequence of the phase-out of these materials and as illegal trade in ODS soared in the mid-1990s the Montreal Protocol, somewhat belatedly, responded through the creation of national import/export licensing systems.
A report to the 31st meeting of the Open-Ended Working Group of parties to the Montreal Protocol. We urge Parties to resolve and reach agreement on funding and other issues to ensure we implement the final phase-out of ozone-depleting substances without further phasing in harmful HFCs
An EIA and Wildlife Protection Society of India briefing document for the 61st Meeting of the CITES Standing Committee. We make a number of recommendations to Parties, including greater coordination between CITES Management Authorities and national enforcement agencies
A briefing by EIA and and the Wildlife Protection Society of India to alert the CITES Standing Committee to concerns that despite the perilous situation facing leopards and their Appendix I listing, only Israel, Thailand and India have provided information on leopards