
Still Permitting Crime

This report reveals how a palm oil plantation established and developed illegally in 2013 and 2014 has since continued to clear forests illegally with impunity. Worse, the timber it has illegally cut is certified legal under Indonesia’s flagship Timber Legality Assurance System

Prohibited Permits

A briefing prepared for the 3rd Regional Dialogue on Preventing Illegal Logging and Trade in Siamese Rosewood. Despite some important reforms during 2016, significant risks of ongoing illegitimate trade in CITES-listed rosewood species persist - including for both Siamese rosewood and Burmese rosewood

Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol

The Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol is a legally binding multilateral measure which mandates concrete, sector-wide greenhouse gas emission reductions for both developed and developing countries. It represents the largest near-term climate mitigation measure from a single agreement