
Overdue Diligence

When German boat builders finally complete Sailing Yacht ‘A’, the world’s largest ever, it will sail away with decks crafted from illegitimate teak sourced from Myanmar. At nearly 150m long and 100m tall, the yacht is being built in Nobiskrug shipyard for Russian billionaire Andrey Melnichenko at a cost of £260 million

Plight of the Ocean Sentinels

A briefing to the 66th Meeting of the International Whaling Commission (IWC) from October 24-28, 2016 in Slovenia. This report explores some of the major environmental threats facing cetaceans (whales, dolphins and porpoises), from plastic, chemical and noise pollution to climate change, bycatch and ship strikes

Impact Report 2015

An annual report assessing the impact of EIA’s various campaigns during 2015. All of our dedicated campaigns – Climate, Elephants, Forests, Oceans and Tigers – recorded a number of significant successes during the year

Averting Climate Catastrophe

We make the case that The Montreal Protocol, via agreement of a robust Kigali Amendment, has a golden opportunity and an obligation to contribute to global climate change commitments with concrete action to phase down hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) and replace them with energy-efficient, climate-friendly alternatives

Close Domestic Ivory Markets to Secure the Future of Elephants

An introduction to the key facts and figures of the ivory trade and the threat it presents to wild elephant populations. We also make a number of recommendations to governments, including supporting the closure of domestic ivory markets, rejecting any proposals enabling future international trade and more

Cycles of Destruction

The expanding trade in hongmu (rare and valuable “red wood” used primarily for antique-style furniture in China) has driven successive boom and bust cycles all over the world, marked by unsustainable harvest, multiple legal violations (theft, smuggling, corruption) and violence in source countries