Investigator magazine: How Burmese timber for the superyachts of the super-rich funds the military junta

Welcome to the Autumn 2021 Investigator.

Inside, you can read about our latest undercover investigation into the illegal timber trade from Myanmar and our efforts to secure sanctions against those elements of the violent military junta who exploit the country’s natural resources to line their own pockets.

You’ll also read about other key activities, including our exposé of ‘the biggest eco-crime no-one’s heard of’: the trade of illegal refrigerants into the EU.

During the pandemic, our London office, like many others, was closed. Now, after many long months, I’m happy to report that it has finally reopened, albeit on a restricted basis to ensure the safety of staff.

We continue to work tirelessly to tackle some of the thorny environmental challenges we face and I want to offer my sincere thanks for your essential support during these difficult times; without it, we simply couldn’t achieve – or have achieved – so much.

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