
Accelerating Methane Action

Launched at CoP26 in 2021, the Global Methane Pledge (GMP) is the first global initiative focused on reducing emissions of methane - a super-pollutant responsible for about one-third of current warming.

Initial Considerations for INC-5 – Briefing

For the fifth (and potentially final) round of the global plastics treaty negotiations (INC-5), expectations are high, in particular in consummating an agreement on an instrument capable of ending plastic pollution and reducing harm across the entire plastics lifecycle.

Dirty Deals – Part Two

The global plastic waste trade is an environmental disaster hiding in plain sight, fuelling organised crime, working conditions that amount to human rights violations and devastation to human health and the environment.


Cumulative HFC-23 emissions since the adoption of the Kigali Amendment in 2016 are almost 106,000 tonnes, equivalent to 1.56 billion tonnes of CO2. A strong response from the Parties to the Montreal Protocol is required.

Big Cats, Big impact

Big Cats, Big Impact

A vital link to achieving the Global Biodiversity Framework The Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (KM-GBF) has an ambition to halt and reverse the loss of biodiversity, by protecting, conserving and sustainably using biodiversity while ensuring fair and equitable sharing of its benefits, to secure a nature positive future. Big cats can help. Big cats are umbrellas, […]