Wildlife reports

Enforcement Not Extinction

Participants in the International Tiger Forum are cautioned that they must act decisively now or face a future in which the wild tiger is extinct. We see it as an opportunity to commit to an unprecedented global pledge to save wild tigers, now numbering as few 3,200

Yahoo!. and the Sale of Whale, Dolphin and Elephant Products

Yahoo! Inc., via its Japanese subsidiary Yahoo! Japan, is an important corporate facilitator of the widespread commercial trade in trade in whale and dolphin products and African elephant ivory in Japan. Yahoo! Japan Shopping and Auction sites sell more than four hundred whale and dolphin products (through around 100 whale trading companies), and thousands of […]

Open Season

As nations prepare to meet to consider allowing one-off sales of stockpiled ivory, this report exposes a booming illegal trade in poaching and smuggling in the very countries seeking the lucrative relaxation

A Deadly Game Of Cat And Mouse

In this report, we urge the Government of China to establish a specialised multi-agency enforcement unit with the skills and resources to proactively investigate criminal networks trafficking and selling Asian big cat parts and derivatives.

Front cover of our briefing entitled Saving the Wild Tiger: Enforcement, tiger trade and free market folly - an EIA discussion document

Tiger Farming Economics Don’t Add Up

Briefing looking at many of the arguments put forward by supporters of tiger farming, highlighting the false assumptions used by pro-trade advocates. We believe proponents of tiger farming have based their support on flawed assumptions and studies which do not fully grasp or reflect realities of illegal wildlife trade

Environmental Crime

A report showing the scale and impacts of environmental crime and calling for strong political will to tackle it as a matter of urgency. Environmental crimes broadly include: illegal trade in wildlife, smuggling of ozone- depleting substances, illicit trade in hazardous waste, illegal fishing and illegal logging