Tag: timber-mafia


Repeat Offender: Vietnam’s persistent trade in illegal timber

Corrupt Government officials and military personnel in Vietnam are complicit in smuggling huge quantities of illegal timber from Cambodia, pocketing millions of dollars in bribes from smugglers for their part in allowing hundreds of thousands of cubic metres of logs stolen from Cambodia’s National Parks


Prohibited Permits

A briefing prepared for the 3rd Regional Dialogue on Preventing Illegal Logging and Trade in Siamese Rosewood. Despite some important reforms during 2016, significant risks of ongoing illegitimate trade in CITES-listed rosewood species persist - including for both Siamese rosewood and Burmese rosewood


Red Alert

Criminality and corruption have swept a flood of endangered rosewood exports from Laos and Cambodia which fundamentally violate trade protections imposed by the UN Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES)

Front cover of our briefing entitled The Role of Corruption in Wildlife and Forest Crime

The Role of Corruption in Wildlife and Forest Crime

A briefing to the sixth session of the Conference of the States Parties to the United Nations Convention Against Corruption. Using case studies taken from our investigations, this briefing details how corruption pervades the illegal wildlife trade, illegal logging and the trade in stolen timber


Addressing ASEAN’s Regional Rosewood Crisis: An Urgent Call to Action

A briefing for the 11th ASEAN Experts Group on CITES (CITES AEG) and 10th meeting of the ASEAN Wildlife Enforcement Network (ASEAN-WEN) in Brunei from 5-8 May 2015. Details how illegal logging and trade in rosewoods to supply Asia’s booming Hongmu furniture markets is driving a violent wave of crime across the Mekong