Tag: tigers


Ending Trade in Tiger Parts and Products

Between 2010-15, nearly 30 per cent of tigers seized in illegal trade were suspected to be sourced from captive operations. Tiger farming and trade in captive tiger parts and products poses a serious challenge to enforcement and demand-reduction efforts

Front cover of our briefing entitled The Role of Corruption in Wildlife and Forest Crime

The Role of Corruption in Wildlife and Forest Crime

A briefing to the sixth session of the Conference of the States Parties to the United Nations Convention Against Corruption. Using case studies taken from our investigations, this briefing details how corruption pervades the illegal wildlife trade, illegal logging and the trade in stolen timber


High Profit/Low Risk: Reversing the wildlife crime equation

A briefing prepared by EIA for the Kasane Conference on Illegal Wildlife Trade in Botswana on March 25, 2015. The London Declaration of 2014 was one of several events, announcements and declarations from the international community recognising the serious nature of wildlife crime and urging steps to address it

Chinese language cover for the Sin City report (2015)

罪恶之城: 老挝经济特区的非法野生动物贸易

以中国赌徒和游客为目标、藏身在老挝的一个度假胜地事实上是非法野生动物制品和身体部分的贸易枢纽。《罪恶之城》记录了博胶省金三角经济特区(the Golden Triangle Special Economic Zone)实际上如何变为一个不受法律控制的游乐场。


Sin City: Illegal wildlife trade in Laos’ Special Economic Zone

A resort complex tucked away in Laos and marketed to Chinese gamblers and tourists is a hub for trade in illegal wildlife products and parts. Sin City documents how the Golden Triangle Special Economic Zone (GT SEZ) in Bokeo Province has effectively become a lawless playground


Caged Assets: Tiger Farming and Trade

Despite international recognition that trade in captive-source tigers poses a serious threat to the species’ survival in the wild, international and domestic commercial trade continues in Asia. The trade involves serious and organised criminality, fosters corruption and stimulates demand for tiger parts and products