Key features of the Asian Big Cat (ABC) skin and bone trade in China in 2005-2011
A briefing on the two parallel markets for Asian Big Cat products, one from captive-bred animals and one from wild animals
- Areas of work:
A briefing on the two parallel markets for Asian Big Cat products, one from captive-bred animals and one from wild animals
An EIA and Wildlife Protection Society of India briefing document for the 61st Meeting of the CITES Standing Committee. We make a number of recommendations to Parties, including greater coordination between CITES Management Authorities and national enforcement agencies
A briefing by EIA and and the Wildlife Protection Society of India to alert the CITES Standing Committee to concerns that despite the perilous situation facing leopards and their Appendix I listing, only Israel, Thailand and India have provided information on leopards
Participants in the International Tiger Forum are cautioned that they must act decisively now or face a future in which the wild tiger is extinct. We see it as an opportunity to commit to an unprecedented global pledge to save wild tigers, now numbering as few 3,200
In this report, we urge the Government of China to establish a specialised multi-agency enforcement unit with the skills and resources to proactively investigate criminal networks trafficking and selling Asian big cat parts and derivatives.
A special commemorative booklet celebrating EIA’s 25th anniversary. As well as offering a selection of campaign highlights from the past two-and-a-half decades, it also looks in some detail at the activities of the primary campaign areas of Climate, Elephant, Forests, Oceans and Tigers